27 February, 2009

What's new in Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium?

Top new benefits of Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium

Now you can create amazing images with Adobe Creative Suite 4
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Why Photoshop CS4?

Now you can create a powerful images with Photoshop CS4

Images can be adjusted in half the time..
You can making several adjustments in Photoshop CS4 using the new Adjustments panel more than twice as fast than using Adjustment Layers in CS3 and previous versions to be with the same result.

With Adobe Photoshop CS4 you can import, process, manage, edit, composite, and showcase your images.

Learn More (PDFs Download)


Photoshop CS4 Sneak Peak

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Photoshop CS4 Reflections

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19 February, 2009

Graffiti Effect with Photoshop

You can make a nice drawing on Non smooth walls by photoshop like the image above, Get an image from google and start following these steps.

For Steps, Click Here.

Enjoy !

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16 February, 2009

Valentine’s Day card with Photoshop CS4

Make your own Valentine’s Day card for a loved one, not just with love and sincerity but some of that creativity you have built up inside you too with photoshop CS4 !

I've made this sample with Photoshop CS4

Follow these simple steps and you will have a great Valentine’s Day card to gift it to you beloved.

For the steps, click Here.


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15 February, 2009

Chained Text Photoshop Tutorial

Step 1.
Start by making a new Photoshop document with dimensions of 300x300, and a black background. Create large Grey (575757) text in a new layer set called "Text", using Arial Black/ 150pt /sharp. Apply the bevel and emboss layer style on the text, use the setting in the image, click here to see it.

Step 2.
Make a selection using the text, contract it by 8 and feather (select > feather) it by 4.

Step 3.
Create a new layer, set the foreground color to F1F1F1 and the back ground color to a darker tone (979797). Choose the gradient tool, set it to linear gradient and then drag the distance and direction of the red arrow.

Step 4.
This is the 2nd part of this Photoshop tutorial. Next, make a selection of the text again expand (select > modify > expand) it by 3 pixels. Create a new layer below the text and then fill the selection with a dark Grey color (474747)

Step 5.
Next, highlight the layer set, in the layers panel, and merge (layer > merge layer set) the layer set into a single layer.

Step 6.
Now we're going to rotate each letter, so we need to split the text into 2. First, rasterize the layer, by right clicking on it in the layers panel and then choosing "rasterize layer". Then use the polygonal lasso tool to make a selection around one of the letters. You can zoom in to make sure not to create the selection over the other letter. After you select it, cut the layer into two, by right clicking on the layer in the layers panel, and then choosing "layer via cut". You should now have each letter as a separate layer. Select the "G" layer and then rotate counter clockwise by 30 degrees, using the transformation (edit > transform > rotate).

Step 7.
Rotate "T" by 15 clockwise.

Step 8.
Zoom in to 400% choose dark Grey color (595959) for the foreground color. Make a new layer, in a temporary layer set, above the text layers and then create a pixel wide line on it, using the rectangular marquee tool. Duplicate the layer, leaving a pixel wide space in between them.

Step 9.
Duplicate the line across the whole document and then merge the layer set into a single layer. Duplicate the lines layer and then rotate it by 90 degrees clockwise

Step 10.
Merge the 2 line layers. Make a selection using "T" and then contract it by 11 pixels. Use the selection to cut out part of the crossed lines layer and then do the same with the "G". Delete the rest of the lines layer.

Step 11.
Change the blending mode, of what's left over of the lines layer, to "Color Burn".

Step 12.
This is the 4th part of this Photoshop tutorial. Next, we're going to create some screws. Zoom in to 500% and then create a circle on a new layer, using a light Grey (AEAEAE). Then use a pixel wide rectangular selection to create a black and white line in the center of it.

Step 13.
Apply a drop shadow (layer > layer style > drop shadow) to the screw and then duplicate it.

Step 14.
Next we're going to create the first chain segment, so zoom in to 700% and create a Grey (A0A0A0) oval, on a new layer. Use a rectangular selection to delete part of the right end.

Step 16.
Finally delete the top end and then make a selection using the shape.

Step 17.
Contract (select > modify > contract) the selection by 4 pixels and then delete the selected area.

Step 17
Create a rectangle, on the same layer, and then a then 2 smaller ones on the top and bottom. On a new layer, create a circle, using the elliptical marquee tool.

Step 18.
Next, apply bevel and emboss (layer > layer styles > bevel and emboss) on both the chain segment and the circle, using the settings viewable by clicking here. Create a new layer above the circle and then create the shape of a rectangle. Apply the same layer style settings to it and then merge it with the circle.

Step 19.
Zooming out, the 2 chain parts should look like in image below.

Step 20.
Zoom to 200%, duplicate the segment of chain and place it over the right hand side of the "G". Use the transform tool to rotate it so that the end is pointing in the direction of the gap. Duplicate it again, place it below the 1st chain link and then rotate it more than the first. Create another one and then use the eraser to make it look as though it's going below the text.

Step 21.
Add the smaller part of the chaing to the right hand side of the 1st link and then create a chain on the "T". Again, use the eraser to make it look as though it's going beneath the letter.

Step 22.
Create another piece below the "T". Since the chain will appear to be below the letter, turn off the drop shadow of the layer, from the layers panel.

Step 23.
Create some more going from the "T" to the "G" and another piece around the left of the "G". Then create a cross of chains, going from the letters to the top of the document.

Step 24.
Your image should now look like the one up, but this one i made it for my school with different words, bringing us to the end of this Photoshop tutorial!

For more information about the tutorial click here, and to download a sample PSD click here.

14 February, 2009

Getting Free Photoshop Tutorials

The Photoshop software is truly a big deal for most people. It pays to have this program in your computer in order to manipulate your pictures as your desire. With this at hand, you can be sure that you get to improve those digital images you have taken even before they get printed. This is more reason for you to give away beautiful pictures to friends and relatives. However, it is not enough that you have the Photoshop program installed in your computer. It is a must that you have a basic knowledge in Photoshop so you can do the things that you want. As such it is very important to get a Photoshop tutorial. There are options such as to hire a tutor or enrol in program where you can learn Photoshop skills. You can also choose to buy books that will teach you the aspects of the program. These are options that are open to you. However, it may even be a better choice for you to get a free Photoshop tutorial. Here, you get to learn a new skill without having to spend the extra money in your pocket. The Free Photoshop Tutorial There are many ways for you to get a free Photoshop tutorial. Be sure that you get to use these options because it sure is a good thing to save your extra money instead. If you can have something for free, then just get it and make the most out of it. Ask a Friend for Help in the Photoshop Some people are fortunate enough to have friends and relatives who are skilled in the Photoshop. If you happen to have a friend of your own, then ask him to teach you basic Photoshop. This is a good way to get the free Photoshop tutorial. You can even use that extra time of learning as a bonding activity. Explore the Photoshop Program If it happens that you cannot access any friend to give the tutorials, you can explore the Photoshop program. The manufacturers do provide basic tutorials with the installation. You can easily check the options for the basic tutorials. This can explain to you how certain commands work and when to use them. You can read on the instructions and the step-by-step processes. There are also editions in the Photoshop software that can actually give tutorial using visuals. You will definitely enjoy viewing how a project is developed. Download Files Online You can also get free Photoshop tutorials online. There are numerous web sites that will give help for free. You can access the tutorial in PDF format and see the instructions. You can also browse through the sites to find the discussion on a particular topic. You may even love the options of seeing the tutorial in video format. Ask for Assistance Online The manufacturer can provide an option for you to get help online. However, you may find it even amazing to explore the different discussion boards and forums where other Photoshop users converge. This can be an opportunity to get free Photoshop tutorials from them. You can post your question and you can expect the other users to give you the advice you need. On The हेड ऑफ़ that Get your free Photoshop tutorials and learn the basic skills needed to operate the program. This way, you can turn out your nice images into fabulous pictures